Step by Step Guide to Replace Ball Mill Liners


SAG Mill Liner

Ball Mill Liner are an extremely efficient variant of mill liners, which is what compels the ball mill liners manufacturers to manufacture them in the first place. If used properly, they may last pretty long. However, at one point or another we may be obligated to replace the ball liners mill, due to various reasons.

In this guide we shall go by steps to understand the procedure of Ball Mill liners replacement, as is suggested by these mill liners manufacturers.

What are the important steps to follow?

Below is the explanation of the 7 steps.

Step #1: Understanding the Ball mill liner

Before installing a ball mill liner initially, we need to understand it’s working. In other words, we need to understand how long it will work, and if it works efficiently. Furthermore, judging the cost will also be a reasonable thing to do. The culmination of this will lead us to a clearer understanding of how and when to do the replacement job, which will help us make a timely schedule.

Step #2: Having experts and learned technicians

In order to ensure efficiency and coordination during the replacement process, we will be needing expert supervision over the process, and laborer’s and technicians that very well understand the process. If this is not ensured, the replacement procedure will not go smoothly and as a consequence we may also have an improper replacement.

That will have negative effects because the ball mill liners will wear out quicker. They may manufacturers may have people that can help you with this.

Step #3: Cleaning the Mill

For efficient and proper removal, you must first clean the mill. You may have pulp accumulated on the ball mill that you need to clean. Furthermore, remove the rubber pad, clean the wall and remove the dust by descaling the cylinder. Once the barrel is fixed, ensure good ventilation so that the replacement process can start.

Step #4: Removal of the old stuff

First remove the lining screws, then remove the balls line by line. It should be ensured that necessary safety precautions are taken because this is the point where the injury is most common to occur. When lifting the ball out, make sure to keep the wire rope and hook into consideration, that they are firmly at their place. Hoisting should also be done carefully.

Step #5: The installation process

We have to install the new balls keeping the gaps and time periods into consideration. The spiral on the ball mill liner should be fixed, and the seal and gasket shall be applied carefully, ensuring that there are no leakages. The inner cylinder should be screwed tightly and it should be cemented properly so that it can solidify and culminate the reinstallation process.

Step #7: Final check-up

The mill liner should be revisited to ensure that all the things had been done properly, and no people or tools were left behind. If so, it can cause a lot of problems and damages, especially the loss of human lives.

Final Thoughts

The process of replacing these ball liners is very easy but needs to be handled with real care. You can get in touch with H&G Machinery if you are looking to get any information about Ball Mill Liners.



Post time: Oct-16-2020